TRANSITION, video, 7:30 min, 2020
BLEEDING WATER, installation element, fabric, 760 x 155cm 2020
TRANSITION renders the sounds of nature audible within the space
of the exhibition. They engage in a dialogue with human voices that
give an account of visions for the future.
The voices are recorded in different languages.
The protagonist deal with, how we can preserve our living space;
what contribution each individual can make;
in what world we want to live in and
how we want to leave our planet to our descendants.
The video shows moving bodies in front of Austrian and
Icelandic glaciers: Vatnajökull, a cave in the Kötlujökull,
and the Kaunertal Glacier. All three have been dramatically
affected by global warming. The Kotlujokull cave,
filmed in 2018 no longer exists and Iceland mourns the loss of Okjökull,
a victim of man- made climate change.
In Austria, attempts are being made to slow down
the melting of the Kaunertal glacier
by covering it with sheets.
The actors‘ are guided by impulses from the landscape.
The interaction of man and nature becomes visible
in their intuitive gestures.
They are hybrid beings, half-human, half water or ice.
Slowly, the artist moves across the snowy mountain,
wrapped in the red fabric as if retracing the path of a blood drop.
The fabric BLEEDING WATER, a symbol of dying glaciers,
is visible in the video and the exhibition,
connecting virtual with physical space.
When a glacier melts, it bleeds to death and disappears forever.
Nature seems powerless and vulnerable.
If we don’t learn to treat our planet differently, one day,
all glaciers will have melted away and merely occur in distant memories.
Credit List:
Maria-Magdalena Ianchis
Concept, Directing, Cut, Costume, Objects, Colour grading
Camera: Maria-Magdalena Ianchis
Camera Assistant: Bjarni Svanur Friðsteinsson
Drone Footage: Daniel Jarosch
Sound Concept of Video: TRANSITION: Maria-Magdalena
Ianchis in collaboration with Ida Schuften Juhl
Original song I WANT TO releases under IDK IDA
Sound Design Ida Schuften Juhl
Voices: People with great visions
Performance Concept: Maria-Magdalena Ianchis
Performance: Bjarni Svanur Friðsteinsson,
Daniel Jarosch, Ezechiel-Daniel Iacnhis, Maria-Magdalena
Ianchis and Natalía Björnsdóttir BenderItaepel illigendae.
Text: Maria-Magdalena Ianchis in collaboration with Luana Schäfer